Create New Job

Position Title *
Please fill in Position Title
Invalid Position Title
Number of intern want to recruit *
Please select Number of intern
Invalid Number of intern
Internship Start Month *
Please select Internship Start Month
Invalid Start Month
Internship End Month *
Please select Internship End Month
Invalid End Month
Job Description *
0/800 characters
Please enter job description
Description exceeds character limit

This program is an unpaid 90-hour internship. Will you be interested in offering an allowance/scholarship to interns if you or interns want to extend the internship period after the 90-hour? *

Please select
Invalid selection

Do you accept high school students as interns? *

Please select
Invalid selection
Job Position Sector(s) *
Please select at least one company sector
Invalid selection
Preferred Intern Study Year(s) *
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Please check at least one study year
Invalid study year
Top 5 Skill(s) you want from an intern *
Please check at least one skill
Invalid selection

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You've already selected 5 skills.